The International Network of Asian Pacific Islander Public Administrators (I-NAPA) is an organization encouraging excellence among public administrators of Asian and Pacific Islander heritage by:

  • Developing leadership of emerging leaders of Asian and Pacific Islander heritage

  • Supporting public administrators of Asian and Pacific Islander heritage as leaders

  • Providing networking opportunities

  • Providing unique resources to Asian and Pacific Islander public administrators

One of ICMA’s Core Beliefs is to ensure that local governments and the association reflect the diversity of the communities we serve. Yet according to the 2013 ICMA Membership Diversity Strategic Plan, less than 1 percent of ICMA’s full members are of Asian and Pacific Islander heritage. I-NAPA seeks to develop and support excellent Asian and Pacific Islander public leaders because we believe it believes diversity among public leaders, inclusive of those of Asian and Pacific Islander heritage, can play an important role in cultivating a better future for all.

The I-NAPA Board of Directors holds monthly calls to discuss events, communications, and activities in support of its mission.

I-NAPA became a reality as the direct result of ICMA’s efforts to support diversity and inclusiveness, beginning with an “aha” moment. At ICMA’s 2015 Annual Conference in Seattle, keynote speaker Vernā Myers asked attendees to self-identify by various groups. When she called out “Asian,” only a handful of people stood among a crowd of a thousand. After the session, non-Asian and Pacific Islander colleagues remarked that they were surprised to see so few Asians and Pacific Islanders in the crowd; of course, those of us present were not.

Through conversations that followed, I-NAPA's mission became clear - that imbalance needed to be changed. Over the next several months with ICMA’s support, a survey was conducted of ICMA members and others regarding interests and issues in serving Asian and Pacific Islander communities. Survey results were presented at the 2016 Annual Conference in Kansas City, and an “ICMA Asian Pacific Affinity Group” and LinkedIn presence were established that grew to 150 members within a few months.